Visit to Charles Darwin's Down House


Down House Visit Down House

photos by Sheila Cragg
 click either image to enlarge

On 17th September a party of approximately 20  members and partners visited Down House at Downe, the old home of Charles Darwin, the visit having been arranged by Vocational Service committee.

After a tour of the house, which is set out to show his life and some of the artefacts which were important in formulating his evolutionary theory, a light lunch in the garden was followed by a tour of the grounds under the expert guidance of the Head Gardener - appropriately named Rowan. A small weed patch, we were assured, proved that 1 in 8 plants survived long enough to have viable offspring - both in Darwin's time and today, whilst  a curious circular stone with a metal centre permitted precise measurement of the rate at which the action of earthworms causes the surface of the earth to drop.
A lovely day meant an enjoyable and informative trip

Monday 29th September 2014

Published by: The Rotary Club of Canterbury

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