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Schools’ Public Speaking Competition

For several years the English Speaking Union (ESU) has teamed up with the Vocational Service Committee of the Rotary Club of Canterbury to host the East Kent branch final of ESU’s public speaking competition for schools (open to youngsters in years 9-11 or equivalent). 

The event is usually hosted at the Guildhall in Canterbury, with the Inner Wheel providing light refreshments.

The competition assesses the ability to present a topic, to chair a presentation and to ask pertinent questions of the presenter. Past topics have included nightclubbing, the Trident missile, and the rise anf fall of the Labour Party.

Winners go on to take part in the South-East Regional Final. Winners of that competition go on to take part in the National Final. National Final winners then compete in International Finals later in the year. 


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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
St Lawrence Cricket Ground
Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
CT1 3NZ,
United Kingdom

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