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21st January Lunchtime visit RC Leuven and Talk by Tim Brett

21st January 2025
Venue: Howfield Manor Hotel
21st January Lunchtime visit RC Leuven and talk by Tim Brett
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Evening meeting with Andrew Clague - 'Sailing the Atlantic'

11th February 2025
Venue: Howfield Manor Hotel
11th February evening meeting with Andrew Clague who is talking about his sailing trip across the Atlantic.
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District 1120 Annual Bowls Competition

The Annual District 1120 Bowls Tournament, arranged by Mike Talbot, a member of the Rotary Club of Canterbury, was held at Canterbury Bowling Club. From an original entry of 14 teams which included 3 from the Canterbury RC, 11 teams plus a late entry by Mike Talbot (after persuading 2 golf players PP Roger Clarke and current President Robert Yonge), made the entry list up to 12. The first prize was the Tony Hendry Shield.

Following 3 matches in the morning, each of three quarters of an hour, and 2 matches of similar duration in the afternoon the winners, Crayford RC, emerged as the only unbeaten team. Canterbury D, the late entry, drew 1 game and won the others to take the runner-up position.

The District Governor, John Dunkley, kindly visited during the afternoon and when presenting the awards, expressed his appreciation and thanks to the Canterbury Bowling Club for once again allowing the use of their excellent facilities for this annual event and made special mention of the catering and bar staff who worked tirelessly throughout the day. He will ensure that he encourages a greater take up from clubs in District 1120 for the 2011 event, during his club visits and will emphasise the wonderful fellowship amongst the participants. 

 Click on any photo to enlarge, then use your browser’s BACK button to return.

Photos: Roger and Jenny Bickerton

They’re off!

Mike Talbot watched by Barry Rice

Canterbury President Robert Yonge

District Governor John Dunkley Looks on

DG John Dunkley and his wife June enjoy a cuppa


L to R: Organiser Mike Talbot (Bowling Club President and RC Canterbury), Geoff Wells (RC Crayford), DG John Dunkley; Alan Trugell & John Dale (RC Crayford – Winners)





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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
The club doesn’t have a permanent
meeting venue at present. Please
email the address on the Contact
page for meeting venues and times.

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