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House of Lords Visit – Report & Photos

On November 27th 2009 over eighty members, partners and guests went by coach to the House of Lords as guests of Lord Carey of Clifton, an Honorary Life Member of our Club.  The visit was organised by Dr David Barton, Rtn Roger Power and Lord Carey’s staff. 

Since entry time to the House at 5:45 PM was very tight we arrived on the Embankment at 4:45 and used the spare time by visiting the local Public WCs.  It must have been quite a surprise for the Attendant to have 50-odd grey-haired folk in Dinner suits and long dresses queueing at her facility!

While we waited in the coaches there was a stunning view of the Royal Festival Hall, Shell Centre and the London Eye across the Thames.

Our coaches dropped us outside the Palace at exactly 5:45 PM.  After passing through the strict security and being photographed for security badges we split into four groups for a guided tour of the Palace of Westminster, including the Lobbies and both Parliamentary chambers.

Next we enjoyed a Reception with Lord Carey, followed by a sumptuous silver-service meal in one of the Peers’ Dining Rooms.

Following the meal many people took a rest in the bench-lined corridors (see final picture below) before boarding the coaches for a swift and smooth return to Canterbury.

Below is a selection of photographs of the occasion, all but two taken by Official Photographer Rtn Roger Bickerton, who asserts copyright. 

Clicking on any thumbnail photo will reveal the large version which you can download to your own PC by Right-clicking on it, choosing “Save Picture As” or “Save Image As” (depending on your Browser), choosing a Folder on your PC to hold it and clicking “Save” to finish.

N.B. when you have viewed an enlarged photo you will need to use your browser’s BACK button (usually a blue or green button in the top left-hand corner of the screen) to return to the gallery of thumbnail phographs.


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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
St Lawrence Cricket Ground
Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
CT1 3NZ,
United Kingdom

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