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18th February - No meeting

18th February 2025
Venue: No meeting
There isn't a meeting on the 18th February
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Founders Dinner - Celebrating 103 years of the Rotary Club of Canterbury

25th February 2025
Venue: Howfield Manor Hotel
Founders Dinner - 25th February 'Celebrating 103 years of the Rotary Club of Canterbury.
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Rotary Innovation Competition 2016


N.B. This is the March 2016 Competition. If you have landed here by mistake, click THIS LINK NOW

To the third annual Innovation Competition which Canterbury Rotary Clubs, working with the Brett Group, Kentish Gazette and Kent Innovation and Enterprise, are organising for secondary school students.

Now is the time to be thinking “out of the box”. We are looking new ideas on any subject at all – or it might be a new application of an old idea.

All that is necessary is that your idea fulfils the objectives set out in our poster and rules. PLEASE read them very carefully, and make sure your entry complies with the requirements including those about form, submission and timing.

In previous years we have had all sorts of ingenious ideas, including flashing toy boxes (to encourage young children to be tidy), a Swiss Army make-up kit, a way of opening public toilet doors without touching the handle, a sophisticated corrective writing device for disabled people, a simple way of getting the right angle for brushing your teeth, an automatic egg cleaner for poultry sheds and an amazing water-capture system for adventurous hikers.


Innovations-Pster-2016Click to enlarge, or for a printable version go to foot of page

The possibilities are limitless. You might start by thinking of something that is a real problem – for example the traffic congestion in Canterbury, or perhaps some aspect of the way your school is organised – and then come up with a new way of improving things. Or you might begin by having an idea for a device, and think of a use for it.

Inevitably, some ideas are thought of by several people, so when you have your idea we suggest you look on the internet to see if something similar is already available.

As a country, we rely on innovations – and we are pretty good at inventing. If you would like to see where a new idea has got one Canterbury boy, Google “Pavegen”

The competition will be judged by a panel of local people, most of whom have had a hand in developing new ideas and bringing them to the market. The prize for the winner will be £300, with £100 for the runner up, but, after the judging, all will be given advice on ways of exploiting their ideas.

There is no entry fee, and you can submit as many entries as you like. In last year’s competition there were more than twice the number of entries compared with the year before that – and we hope to double the number again in the coming year.

ALL entries must be received by 31st March 2016.

For full details of the Rules and how to enter click HERE; for a printable copy of the poster above click HERE

Facebook page:
Twitter feed:  @RotaryCantUK

 You can click or tap the poster below to enlarge it, or to get a more detailed printable PDF copy click HERE




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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
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