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Cheque for Mustard Seed Singers


Mustard Seed Singers conductor Elle Caldon receiving a cheque for £250 from John Hill, Chairman Community Service Committee and Robert Yonge, President of Rotary Club of Canterbury following a short concert at the club’s Guest night.  A table collection on the evening realised a further £128 for the Singers.

Mustard Seed Singers is a choir promoting mental health and wellbeing in the local community.  It was formed over three years ago and since then has touched the lives of many people.

It gives the opportunity to some very isolated people to meet and get/give support to other individuals experiencing similar difficulties. There are around 18 people in the choir and through the work of the group, there are now 7 other groups in Kent for people with Mental Health problems. It is having an impact on over 140 people.

The money will be used to provide music folders for the singers, a banner displaying the choir’s name and a session at a recording studio to make a CD.



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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
St Lawrence Cricket Ground
Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
CT1 3NZ,
United Kingdom

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