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Presidents Barbecue 31st July 2011



President Harry Cragg provided an excellent BBQ in his garden on a day blessed with very good weather.  The event not only provided excellent fellowship but also supported the District Governor’s charity which will enable young carers from our District to take a weekend respite break on the historic sailing barge, the Cambria.

The BBQ offered a perfect opportunity to savour the Tomato Ketchup, donated to Rotary by Tiptree.  Each bottle has a label with the Rotary emblem and the ‘End Polio Now’ logo.  Sales of bottles were brisk, ensuring that consumers became aware that we are “Thisclose” to ending Polio.

  photos by Rtn Roger Bickerton

click on the small images below to enlarge



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Get in Touch

The Rotary Club of Canterbury
St Lawrence Cricket Ground
Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
CT1 3NZ,
United Kingdom

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