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Rochester Dickens Festival – June 2011

Under the auspices of the Dining and Entertainments Committee, an annual visit between Canterbury and Rochester Rotary Clubs is now in its fourth year.

This year on 3rd June a party of Rotarians and wives dressed in Dickensian costume took part in the Dickens Festival Parade down Rochester High Street along with hundreds of other participants.

Nine of us, led by President Elect Harry Cragg, joined the Rotary Club of Rochester at their most convivial Club Meeting in the Masonic Hall.

This year for the first time several Rotary Grandchildren took part in the Parade under the supervision of Grannies Bernice Barton and Philippa Davies.

It is expected that this arrangement will continue next year.

David Barton

click on the small images to enlarge

On the train to Victorian Rochester


 Party of Victorian Rotarians waiting to go in to lunch 


Three Victorian Children Kate, Henry and Louis with their grannies


Grandson Louis Barton making a statement about the Rotary Club Dress Code




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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
St Lawrence Cricket Ground
Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
CT1 3NZ,
United Kingdom

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