The event is being staged in association with the Prince of Wales Youth Club in Canterbury; funds raised will go towards supporting a boxing academy at the Prince of Wales Youth Club and also to various Rotary charities – helping us to support others.
This event follows on from a very successful Black Tie Charity Boxing Dinner that we held together with the Prince of Wales Youth Club in 2016. Those who came to that dinner – which raised around £3,000, topped up to £4,000 by an amazing anonymous donation – had a wonderful time. The occasion showcased the talents of the young boxers and was a great chance for different sections of our local community to unite.
For those that aren’t aware of it, the Prince of Wales Youth Club has existed since 1935 to fight against the exclusion of disadvantaged young people. Situated in one of East Kent’s most deprived wards, the Youth Club has a high proportion of disadvantaged and often hard to reach members. Its aim is to help young people gain new skills to combat issues they face in their lives. There are two sections – Junior (for 6 to 12 year olds) and Senior (for 12 to 21 year olds), with three club nights per week. Teams of paid and volunteer staff deliver sports, games, arts and crafts, music, dance and theatre. They involve the young people in making and consuming healthy foods, and offer sessions and confidential support on all sorts of youth issues. The Youth Club’s Centre is purpose built, with a sports hall, dance studio/games room, and boxing gym. The Youth Club is growing and at present there are 10 young people ready to enter competitive boxing. As a sport, boxing has many positive traits including tackling aggression, teaching discipline, supporting healthy life styles and reducing child obesity. It also reduces the chances of young people participating in crime and antisocial patterns.
Sadly, youth clubs such as this are now on the decline, meaning doors are closing for a number of young people and children, which is why our Rotary Club is supporting this venture.
Event: Charity boxing event with BBQ.
Date: Friday 25 May 2018.
Venue: Prince of Wales Youth Club, Military Road, Canterbury.
Meal tickets (for 6.30 pm): £25 each. (Tables of ten can be booked.)
A limited number of spectator tickets for the boxing will be available for after 8 pm: £15 each.
Please note: under 18s will need to be accompanied.
To book: Contact Rotary by e-mailing: boxing@rotarycanterbury.org.uk
Click here to open a PDF version of the flyer for the event.
Picture: The Prince of Wales Youth Club’s boxing gym plus the Youth Club’s logo. Picture credit: The Prince of Wales Youth Club.