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Spreading the word via local magazine CommunityAd

It was very nice to open the most recent copy of Community Ad when it popped through the letterbox and find an article there about us! It’s a great way for members of the community to learn about our work and for us to engage with the community.

CommunityAd is a local magazine that has a special Canterbury issue – and it’s done a stellar job in helping raise awareness about our work as a service club in Canterbury & nearby villages. We really appreciate their support. 

In the issue that’s just come out we hark back to last year when two flowers were very much on our minds – purple crocuses to raise awareness about Rotary’s efforts to end the potentially devastating disease polio, and poppies that are the focus of the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal. The article also touches on something old and something new at our Club!

Look out for the latest issue. If you don’t receive a copy you can always see the online version in the local CommunityAd archive by clicking here. See issue 31, pg 6 for the latest article.

Of course you can see all of our most recent news here on our web site: or at:

Don’t forget to like, follow, share and retweet!

Picture: CommunityAd magazine. Picture credit: CommunityAd, reproduced with permission. 


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Get in Touch

The Rotary Club of Canterbury
St Lawrence Cricket Ground
Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
CT1 3NZ,
United Kingdom

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