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Future Events

Early evening visit to the Tannery Development and meal

13th August 2024
Venue: Tannery Development, Canterbury
Early evening visit to the Canterbury Tannery Development lead by Andrew Clague who was the principal architect on this project.
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Inter Club Bat & Trap Competition Evening

16th August 2024
Venue: The Golden Lion, Broad Oak
This year's Rotary in Canterbury Interclub Bat & Trap Competition is being held in the evening of Friday, 16th August at the Golden Lion Pub, Broad Oak.
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Duck travels: Ducking and diving in Lanzarote

Inspired by the build up to the Winter Olympics, some of our young Canterbury Annual Duck Race hopefuls set off to Lanzarote recently for some winter swim training. There, they were put through their paces by their personal trainer and coach, Mike Talbot.

Mike, a former winner of Canterbury Bowls Club’s Centenary Cup and thus an experienced and well-disciplined sportsman himself, is also a Rotarian in his spare time.

The ducks were taught how to ride the crest of a wave and told the sky’s the limit. One of the ducks had to be rescued however, and a few feathers were certainly ruffled during the desalination shower. Day 1 of training proved tough, so Mike may need to relax the regime to maintain their confidence! But at least he ensured they stuck to a protein-filled diet in the form of a few garlic prawns. They were, of course, told that alcohol is strictly off-limits while they do their training.

Picture: Ducks being given a pep (peck) talk by trainer and coach Mike Talbot. Picture credit: Bob Anderson.



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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
St Lawrence Cricket Ground
Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
CT1 3NZ,
United Kingdom

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