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Duck walk beside the Little Stour

Rivers, of course, can be wonderful. Here in Canterbury we are very lucky to have the River Stour to visit. For us Rotarians it’s especially important as it allows us to hold our annual Canterbury Duck Race, a highlight of our year.

It’s for this reason we’re delighted to spread word about Canterbury City Council’s Great Stour Riverfest –  “a wonderful week of community organised Great Stour related events”. As the publicity that goes with the event states, “The Great Stour is a true asset to the City of Canterbury”. 

The picture accompanying this article of a duck by the Little Stour was taken during lockdown, when exercise such as going for a walk was one of the few permissable reasons to leave the house. For many, a walk along the river cheered spirits, reduced stress and helped connect with nature. It’s so important that we look after our precious rivers so that they can continue to be a source of joy for all. Why not help by getting involved in one of the Riverfest activities this week?

Picture: A little duck looks out over the Little Stour during the height of the Covid pandemic. Picture credit: Bob Anderson/Rotary Club of Canterbury. 

You can see other pics of our ducks around Canterbury in our old Facebook album here.


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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
St Lawrence Cricket Ground
Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
CT1 3NZ,
United Kingdom

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