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21st January Lunchtime visit RC Leuven and Talk by Tim Brett

21st January 2025
Venue: Howfield Manor Hotel
21st January Lunchtime visit RC Leuven and talk by Tim Brett
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Evening meeting with Andrew Clague - 'Sailing the Atlantic'

11th February 2025
Venue: Howfield Manor Hotel
11th February evening meeting with Andrew Clague who is talking about his sailing trip across the Atlantic.
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Duck Race 2016 Report

Huge river duck race is a record-breaker

Absolutely quackers! That was the verdict as the annual charity duck race broke all previous records on Sunday.

Canterbury Rotary Club, which puts on the popular fund raiser in the Westgate gardens, sold all of its 3,500 plastic ducks, with £6,000 raised for good causes.

An estimated 1,000 people lined the banks of the Stour as the yellow flotilla started its journey down towards the finishing line near Tower House.

Article re-printed with the kind permission of the Kentish Gazette 22/09/16
photos by John Gichigi & Roger Bickerton. Click or tap images to enlarge

Big Bird

THIS duck won’t be swimming far

Bags of Ducks

Three bags of over 1200 ducks…

Tip them In

3,500 ducks go into the river

Start swimming

…and start fighting for position

Families cheered on their ducks as members of the East Kent School of Lifesaving took to the water to ensure fair play and safety.

First across the finishing line was a duck bought for four -year old Sam Cardell by his mum Claire. The 40 year old, of Military Road, Canterbury, who is a P&O steward, said: “In all the noise and excitement, we didn’t hear our number read out and Sam was quite upset when I told him I didn’t think he had won. But the following day I got a phone call to say his duck was first and he had won £250, which is fantastic. I think Sam will get a treat, but I will put most of the money away safe for him”.

An estimated 1,000 people watched the Race

…President Martin grabs the winning duck

The second duck across the line was bought by Carol Skinner, who won £100, with Alan Newton picking up £50 for third – and generously handing it back for Rotary Charities.

The contest for the corporate-sponsored duck was neck and neck on the line so organisers decided to award both Fire Protection Online and Canterbury Auction Galleries with a prize of champagne.

Rotary president Martin Ward said:”It was great to see such a huge turnout. We have never sold out of ducks before, so we even had disappointed families who couldn’t enter. We plan to provide more next year so everyone gets a chance. We were also delighted to get 100 corporate entries, which was a first. It was also the biggest sum we have ever raised from the event, which is fantastic and we would like to thank everyone who supported the race and made donations”.

Helper Mark Esdaile fishes another few hundred ducks out of the river

Water Babies

President Martin Ward and Assistant District Governor Hilary Brian

Wet Wellies

Treasurer Lewis Norris wishes he’d brought Waders

More Catchers

President-Elect Sharon Jordan with Past President Alastair Scott

Where on earth did he go??

Entertaining the Punters




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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
The club doesn’t have a permanent
meeting venue at present. Please
email the address on the Contact
page for meeting venues and times.

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