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Early evening visit to the Tannery Development and meal

13th August 2024
Venue: Tannery Development, Canterbury
Early evening visit to the Canterbury Tannery Development lead by Andrew Clague who was the principal architect on this project.
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Inter Club Bat & Trap Competition Evening

16th August 2024
Venue: The Golden Lion, Broad Oak
This year's Rotary in Canterbury Interclub Bat & Trap Competition is being held in the evening of Friday, 16th August at the Golden Lion Pub, Broad Oak.
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Update on F1 in Schools Team: Eclipse

A couple of our members visited Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School in Faversham yesterday to get an update from F1 in Schools team “Eclipse” and discuss possible future collaborations with the school.

As September draws near and F1 in Schools National Champions Team “Eclipse” prepare for the World Finals of the competition in Singapore, our members took an opportunity to catch up with the youngsters and get an update from them and their teacher…although we have been following them on their social media channels, so know a little about their recent activities. For instance, we  know that they visited Silverstone on race day of the British Grand Prix, attended the Medway Games Festival (where they spoke to the public about F1 in Schools to promote STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), visited a printing facility to learn about printing processes, and also heard from a former QEGS student who gave the students careers advice and spoke about diversity in motorsports.  

Yesterday our members, Brian Dobinson and Julie Reza, were met by Design & Technology teacher Bethany Butterworth at the school. They heard the latest from Eclipse members (Tom and Evie; Javier was unable to join them) on their sponsorship status so that they can go to Singapore. Although they have done really well and have lots of excellent partners on board, they are still seeking further funds*. Our members also got a sneak preview of the design of the new model car – though they have been sworn to secrecy on its details!

Brian is part of our vocational team which aims to help young people attain their potential, so it was very interesting to also get an update on a previous team we had supported – “Evolve”. That team went on to become World Champions. One team member got the opportunity to go to University College London (UCL) – and he has been giving advice to Team Eclipse.

Tom and Evie are currently working on their verbal presentations for Singapore – and are under pressure from Head of Faculty, Phil Harvey, to have everything ready in plenty of time!

While at the school Brian and Julie also discussed some exciting ideas for future collaborations; it was very valuable to hear direct from the teachers and learn about practicalities and logistics in relation to activities under discussion. All-in-all it was a very positive meeting and both of our Rotarians came away feeling energised! “It really is very invigorating to talk to students and to learn about their work,” said Julie, who added “I think our relationship with QEGS shows how both sides can benefit from such a relationship – schools and Rotary clubs.”


Individuals can also support the team directly via the team’s GoFundMe campaign – you can get details of this from their webesite (which also links to their social media platforms) here

Picture: (L-R) Teacher Bethany Butterworth, Tom, Julie, Evie and Brian. Picture credit: Rotary Club of Canterbury.



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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
St Lawrence Cricket Ground
Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
CT1 3NZ,
United Kingdom

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