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Our help doesn’t always involve giving money – and sometimes it’s easy

There are many ways that Rotarians help others in their community – with time, expertise, knowledge and skills. Recently, we had one such request from the F1 in Schools team (Eclipse) that we support.

I am Maisie, Outreach Coordinator For Eclipse”, the message started. Her team needed our support – merely “a few seconds” of our time, the message added. We gave it a thought and reckoned we could just about spare this time to help the ethusiastic youngsters (you may recall we gave an update on the team from from Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School recently. We’ve helped them in the past with time rather than money – for instance, we’ve helped them practice presentations before their competitions).

This time the task WAS straightforward: Maisie simply asked us to send them a short video clip voicing our support for the team. No problem, we thought. We may not quite be the TikTok generation, but we felt our skill set could extend to this. So, having just watched a film for our charity film night, and feeling the joy of all things video, and despite a few uncoordinated attempts, we DID manage to fulfil the task and send a clip off to Maisie. It met the brief, we’re told. What she and her team will do with it remains a mystery to us – but we were happy to help, and we did enjoy our few seconds of fun!

Picture: A “still” from our video clip in support of Team Eclipse. Picture credit: Rotary Club of Canterbury. We hope to add the video of our 1st attempt and final masterpiece to our Twitter feed and Facebook page soon. 



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Get in Touch

The Rotary Club of Canterbury
St Lawrence Cricket Ground
Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
CT1 3NZ,
United Kingdom

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