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18th February - No meeting

18th February 2025
Venue: No meeting
There isn't a meeting on the 18th February
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Founders Dinner - Celebrating 103 years of the Rotary Club of Canterbury

25th February 2025
Venue: Howfield Manor Hotel
Founders Dinner - 25th February 'Celebrating 103 years of the Rotary Club of Canterbury.
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Helping local youngsters – interviews and innovation

A few of our members have been helping out at a couple of local schools recently. Hearing youngsters talk with enthusiasm is something we find re-invigorating and always enjoy doing when we have the time & manpower to help out!

First, four Rotarians from our club joined other Rotarians to help with mock interviews at Canterbury Academy. The initiative was organised with the Academy via our sister Rotary Club, Canterbury Forest of Blean. Once there, the volunteers were partnered up before giving the mock interviews to the students. Not only were they able to give the students a practice run at interviews – which helps the students prepare for real interviews – but our members could highlight weaknesses in CVs and help identify skills that the youngsters had that did not come across in their CVs. For instance, one student had omitted the fact that they spoke three languages, while another omitted a mention of transferable skills they’d gained from being a carer.  “It was a great pleasure to interview the youngsters,” said President Rosemary Doyle, adding “it’s very rewarding to know that we are helping prepare the students for the world of work”. 

Another visit was to Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School in Faversham – at the invitation of Phil Harvey, Head of the Faculty of Technology at the school. Five Rotarians went along on the visit – Rosemary and also Rotarians Brian Dobinson, Gill Dixon, Graham Bough and Julie Reza. None of these Rotarians will be involved in judging the competition but were there as part of our monitoring process to hear some of the ideas that some of the Y12 students are considering for entry into the Innovation Competition that we run with Canterbury Christ Church University. Sessions like these help the youngsters focus on their entries and  give them some practice at talking to others about their ideas, so we like to help when we can. The Rotarians were also able to give constructive feedback to the youngsters for them to go away and think about. “It was great fun!” said Rotarian Julie Reza. She added: “It was lovely to hear about the variety of ideas the youngsters had, with innovations ranging from small-scale ones to be used by individuals and others to be used by local councils. I found it particularly interesting to hear how the youngsters came up with their ideas – often because of a problem that they or someone they know has faced. These youngsters are the problem solvers of tomorrow and it’s good to know we might be helping them strengthen this skill.”

Do you have skills and experiences that you wish you could pass on to others? Why not consider becoming a Rotarian – there are many potential avenues for harnessing and using your experience. Read our news to find out more about us and contact us if you’re interested in finding out how you can join. You can also follow us on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and Instagram.

Picture: Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School in Faversham, pictured on a very wet and windy day! Picture credit: The Rotary Club of Canterbury. 


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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
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