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Supporting the Mustard Seed Singers

On Thursday, a few of our members, partners and friends took the opportunity to see the Mustard Seed Singers in Concert at the Colyer Fergusson Concert Hall at the University of Kent, together with the CantiaQuorum Orchestra.

Our Club has long supported the Mustard Seed Singers – a local charity with two singing groups that is for people directly or indirectly affected by mental health issues.

Thursday’s event was titled: “From the Kitchen to Broadway”. The concert featured Martinu’s Revue De Cuisine and a suite from Bernstein’s West Side Story. There was lots more too for the audience to enjoy! 

PP John Hill, who is a member of our Community Service Committee and liaises on our behalf with the Singers, gave his thanks to everybody who attended. “Those of us who have seen how the choir has developed over the years would agree that our initial grant over 10 years ago was a worthwhile investment,” he said. John added: “At the risk of sounding rather trite, we’ve sown seeds that have brought forth fruit!” (Our Club funded their accompianist seven years ago – Lithuanian Marius Reklatis, then a student at Christchuch University. Marius is still their accompianist and accompanied the Singers again last night. He has also founded his own orchestra.).

John continued: “Over the years we’ve assisted in providing music stands, music folders, a recording session and other items. We also helped with last night’s concert.”

The Mustard Seed groups are led and conducted by Elle Caldon, a graduate in psychology and counselling and a keen singer who has personal experience of mental health problems.

John told us that Elle was very pleased to see familiar faces in the audience. It’s nice that we not only give donations to the singers, we are able to show “physical” support as well. 

The Mustard Seed Singers helps those affected by mental health issues grow in confidence and build social networks. In turn, this helps reduce the effects of the health issues – all while the members have fun singing! Find out more about the Mustard Seed Singers here

Mustard Seed Singers Facebook page.

You can see a Youtube video of the Mustard Seed Singers performing Ave Verum with CantiaQuorum here

More about CantiaQuorum here.

Picture: Mustard Seed Singers performing Ave Verum with CantiaQuorum. Picture credit: Sheila Cragg/The Rotary Club of Canterbury. 



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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
St Lawrence Cricket Ground
Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
CT1 3NZ,
United Kingdom

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