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Early evening visit to the Tannery Development and meal

13th August 2024
Venue: Tannery Development, Canterbury
Early evening visit to the Canterbury Tannery Development lead by Andrew Clague who was the principal architect on this project.
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Inter Club Bat & Trap Competition Evening

16th August 2024
Venue: The Golden Lion, Broad Oak
This year's Rotary in Canterbury Interclub Bat & Trap Competition is being held in the evening of Friday, 16th August at the Golden Lion Pub, Broad Oak.
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Remembrance Day 2020

Sadly, the usual Remembrance Day procession from Longport to the War Memorial had to be cancelled this year due to the current restrictions. However, the wreath-laying ceremony was still held – in the grounds of Canterbury Cathedral.

Normally the Presidents of the three Rotary Clubs of Canterbury (our own Club, Sunrise and Forest of Blean) join local dignitaries (including the Lord Mayor of Canterbury and the High Sheriff of Canterbury) and other representatives of the community in the procession. The three Presidents then walk together and one of the Presidents lays a wreath on behalf of all three. (Our President Alan Mepstead had that honour last year).

This year, restricted attendance meant that just one President, Chris Barnett from the Rotary Clubs of Canterbury Sunrise, laid the wreath on behalf of us all. As always, there was a two-minute silence in remembrance.

Picture: The wreath for the three Rotary Clubs of Canterbury before the labels were added. Picture credit: John Hill/Rotary Club of Canterbury. 

With thanks to John Hill and Alan Mepstead fo help with this article. 




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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
St Lawrence Cricket Ground
Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
CT1 3NZ,
United Kingdom

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