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Donation to Rising Sun’s Summer Days Out to Combat Domestic Abuse

We are very pleased to support the work of domestic abuse charity Rising Sun – most recently for three summer activities which aim to support children aged 5-11 who have experienced domestic abuse.

As Rising Sun states on its fundraiser page, “Children exposed to domestic abuse suffer huge trauma. … support can offer fun summer activities to children aged 5-11, who have been silenced and hurt, developing their confidence & self-esteem.” (

During school term-time the charity has 1:1 mentoring and groups that help traumatised children to “acknowledge the abuse, develop coping strategies, manage their emotions and understand healthy relationships”. However it doesn’t receive funding outside of school term-time, meaning children lack this vital support during school holidays. Which is why the charity wants to offer a “summer of fun” for the children.

“The children being supported with 1:1 mentoring don’t have the opportunity to meet others with similar life experiences – on these days out they realise they are not alone and that is hugely beneficial. By meeting mums and siblings of the children, staff can encourage engagement in our other services, such as outreach, adult groups and counselling – and the mums can meet and chat, also benefitting from that peer support.”

Our club, through our former Vocational Service Committee (now our Vocational Service & Fundraising Committee) have agreed to support three activities with the following donations which will cover the costs of entry for 14 children per trip, plus lunch & refreshments, and three members of Rising Sun staff to facilitate the day):

•                 Wildwood: £148

•                 Inflate ‘n’ Play: £210

•                 Marlowe Theatre: £365

Recently the Committee Chair, Richard Kemball-Cook, and our President Elect/Secretary, Maxine Blades, went to Rising Sun to handover the cheque. As the charity says on it’s Facebook page, “We’re so pleased so that we’ll now be able to give young children the summer that they deserve.” 

To find out more about Rising Sun, click here.

Picture: Maxine, a representative from Rising Sun, and Richard at the cheque handover. Picture credit: Rising Sun/Rotary Club of Canterbury.



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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
St Lawrence Cricket Ground
Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
CT1 3NZ,
United Kingdom

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